
The 2Wild collaboration is fueled by the passion of siblings Barak and Miri Rozenvain to reinvent timeless narratives through innovative and unique combinations of contemporary media.

Integral to the artists’ identities is their shared passion for nature, wildlife, sport, and pop culture. The artists are equally inspired by natural and cultural landscapes as they combine the impressive North American wilderness with narratives from television, film, and advertisement.

Creating the 2Wild artwork is a fluid, always evolving process. Detailed brush and palette knife work is enriched with contemporary mediums such as shattered glass, resin, collage media, and plexiglass. The work consistently explores the dialogue between painting and sculpting, often blurring the boundaries of the two art forms. The artists’ elevated textures and distinctive three-dimensional applications are achieved through a combination of industrial processes such as; laser cutting, resin casting, multilayer plexiglass suspension, and metal fabrication. Finding innovative ways of blending these industrial techniques with elements of nature and a touch of pop culture quickly became the artists’ distinctive trademark.

In their most recent works, 2Wild often abandons the standard geometrical format, instead opting for complex organic “canvases” created by laser-cutting plexiglass to their custom designs. The transparent nature of the material allows the artists to paint on both sides of the glass. achieving impeccable depth and seamlessly merging the artwork with the interior in which it is displayed.

2Wild blends traditional and contemporary art elements into a seamless reflection of joy and happiness. Rich wall assemblages, media collage, and cheerful symbols of butterflies fill the work with emotion, tell tales of wonder and excitement, and further 2Wild’s mission to preserve nature’s legacy. 


Michael Rozenvain


Aleksandra Savina